Neural therapy

In general medicine, neural therapy is used for a variety of complaints and diseases. These include, among other things:


  • Acute and chronic pain (e.g. back pain and headaches)
  • Inflammatory diseases (e.g. arthritis, tendonitis)
  • Functional disorders (e.g. irritable bowel syndrome, digestive problems)
  • Nerve irritation and inflammation (e.g. trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica)
  • Immune system disorders (e.g. allergies, hay fever)


In addition to these areas of application, I would particularly like to point out the positive effects of neural therapy in the areas of stress reduction, burnout prevention and healthy sleep. At our hotel we have developed a new concept that aims to promote the well-being of our guests and to ensure relaxation and regeneration.



Neural therapy can help relieve stress-related tension and harmonise the autonomic nervous system. This leads to improved stress resistance and healthier sleep. By activating the body’s own self-healing powers, neural therapy can help to prevent burnout symptoms and improve quality of life in the long term.


I cordially invite you to let yourself be convinced of the advantages of neural therapy during your stay in our 4-star hotel in Bad Kleinkirchheim. As your attending physician, I am always available for questions and advice and look forward to working with you to create an individual treatment plan.