Too little sleep: a chronic lack of sleep and treatment advice
Those who mull over tomorrow’s problems too long at night are too tired the next day to solve them (Rainer Haak)
This article is intended to raise awareness and show causes and consequences. We spend around a third of our life sleeping – at least in theory! However, unfortunately, more and more people are getting too little sleep. Thoughts are buzzing, they can’t switch off and are out of sorts when they get out of bed in the morning. However, both our body and our mind need adequate sleep to regenerate again.
Many people suffer from sleep disturbances or even a chronic lack of sleep. In the long term, this can have serious consequences for our health. A lack of sleep and the symptoms should therefore by no means be ignored. But what is a lack of sleep actually and what can one do about it?
What symptoms occur due to constant overtiredness?
- Drowsiness and tiredness when waking up
- Tiredness the whole day
- Concentration difficulties
- Mood swings and increased irritability
- Burning and tired eyes
- Feeling of exhaustion
- Shivering
- Momentarily nodding off
How can we prevent sleep disturbances and what can we do about it?
- Take regular little breaks from the here and now and breathe consciously!
- Get some fresh air every day. Just a short while outside will recharge you with light and vital energy (key word: serotonin)
- Eat a lot of fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts – this provides important nutrients for all body cells. Especially during hectic times, we need a lot of minerals.
- Ban electrical devices from your bedroom. It has been scientifically proven that a TV, computer or smartphone have a negative influence on quality of sleep.
- Give your body time to digest. It is basically not conducive to sleep to go to bed with a full stomach. The body should have a couple of hours to digest before sleeping.
- Test persons who regularly practiced yoga had better and longer sleep overall and felt fitter.
We can only realise our dreams when we decide to wake up out of them.
Healthy sleep – the no. 1 energy source!
Apart from exercise and relaxation, quiet surroundings, sleep-promoting menus and teas ensure an undisturbed night.
So that you also sleep well at the Ortners’ Eschenhof, we offer you the right conditions for a quiet and good night! This concept flows through the whole hotel from the rooms to the treatments and nutrition.
Each person has individual sleep requirements. To meet these, we offer you our SLEEP WELL pillows and blankets menu. Five different pillows such as arolla pine, thyme or coneflower, as well as blankets (down, wool or Tencel are available for you. Antiallergenic bed linen is also available, along with neck rolls or weighted blankets.
Selected, sleep-promoting ingredients can also be found in our 5-course menus that we serve every evening already from 18.00. This gives the body ample time to digest this meal.
Light and electrical devices can also have a negative influence on our sleep. Therefore, it is possible to fully darken all the rooms. Some rooms can also be simply disconnected from the power network – so there is nothing obstructing peaceful sleep.
In this spirit: sleep well and sweet dreams.